Safety Tips
Air bag safety
Do you know thousands of lives are saved each by AIR BAGS? Yes because staticits as shown that frontal crashes deaths
has been redue amongs driver by 30% and among passengers by 25% through the use of air bags.
Yes air bag saves alot of lives but using it wrongly can also causes injured or death for the driver and passengers.
The following actions in a vehicle can cause air bag injuries
Air bags are dangerous to kids who sit in front without the use of safety belt.
Air bags are also dangerous to young adults who sit close to the steering wheel to reach the pedals.
Air bags are dangerous to pregnants women and the elderly.
Infants in rear facing car seat on the passenger can be severely injured because they in the direct path of an
inflating air bag.
Preventing air bags injuries
Children should sit at the back sit and must put on safety belt at all times.
Infants must be placed in the rear-facing car seat and put in the back seat.
Small adults should not be too close to the steering wheels their breast bone must be at least 10 inches for the air bag covers.